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4-Plus 미래국토공간 혁신 교육연구단



김대현 교수

Daehyun Kim

생물지형학 / 생물지리학 / 공간분석 / 토양-경관분석

연구실 홈페이지


  • 기후변화에 의한 지표환경의 역동성

    공간적 자기상관이 자연지리학적 모델링에 미치는 영향


  • 학사 2000.2.

    서울대학교 지리학과(문학사)

  • 석사 2004.2.

    서울대학교 지리학과(문학석사)

  • 박사 2009.8.

    Texas A&M University 지리학과(Ph.D.)


  • 2020.9. – 현재

    서울대학교 사회과학대학 지리학과 교수

  • 2019.3. – 현재

    서울대학교 국토문제연구소장

  • 2018.1. – 2019.12.

    대한지리학회 학술이사

  • 2018.1. – 2018.12.

    서울대학교 사회과학대학 지리학과 부교수

  • 2017.9. – 2020.8.

    University of Kentucky 지리학과 부교수

  • 2014.7. – 2017.6.

    University of Kentucky 지리학과 조교수

  • [수상]

  • 2020.8.

    제13회 여천생태학상, (사) 여천생태연구회

  • 2020.7.

    한국과학기술단체총연합회 제30회 과학기술우수논문상(한국생태학회 추천)

  • 2012.2.

    J. Warren Nystrom Dissertation Award, American Association of Geographers

  • [학술지 편집위원]

  • 2020 – 현재

    Managing Editor, Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure

  • 2020 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, Progress in Physical Geography

  • 2019 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, The Professional Geographer

  • 2019 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, Journal of Ecology and Environment

  • 2018 – 현재

    Academic Editor, PLOS ONE

  • 2018 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, Geomorphology

  • 2017 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, Physical Geography

  • 2017 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences

  • 2015 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, AIMS Geosciences

  • 2015 – 현재

    Member, Editorial board, International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research

  • 2012 – 현재

    편집위원, 한국지형학회지

  • 2013- 2015

    편집위원, 국토지리학회지

  • [학회봉사]

  • 2019 – 현재

    Chair, Biogeography Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers.

  • 2019

    Chair of “Vegetation Dynamics II” (sponsored by the Biogeography Specialty Group), Annual Meeting of the Amer ican Association of Geographers, Washington, D.C., April 3-7.

  • 2017 – 현재

    Board member, Biogeography Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers.

  • 2017

    Chair of “Vegetation Dynamics II” (sponsored by the Biogeography Specialty Group), Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Boston, MA, April 5-9.

  • 2016

    Organizer and chair of “Career & Professional Development Advice for International Graduate Students” (s ponsored by the Jobs & Careers Center), Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March 29-April 2.

  • 2015 – 2017

    Director, Scholarship Committee, Korean–American Association for Geospatial and Environmental Sciences.

  • 2015 – 2017

    Board member, Korean–American Association for Geospatial and Environmental Sciences.

  • 2013 – 2014

    SEDAAG program committee, SouthEastern Division of the Association of American Geographers.

  • 2012 – 2015

    Scholarship committee, Korean–American Association for Geospatial and Environmental Sciences.

  • 2012

    Organizing committee, International Association for Vegetation Science, Mokpo, South Korea, July 23-28.

  • 2012

    Managing Editor, Ecology and Resilient InfrastrucOrganizing committee, Korean Scientists and Engineers Association Kentucky Chapter Winter Conference, Lexington, K Y, January 14.ture

  • 2011 – 2013

    Kentucky State Representative and Steering Committee, SouthEastern Division of the Association of American G eographers.

  • 2010

    Organizer and chair of “Vegetation Dynamics II” (sponsored by the Biogeography Specialty Group), Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C., April 14-18.

  • 2009

    Organizer of “Vegetation Dynamics II” (sponsored by the Biogeography Specialty Group), Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, NV, March 22-27.


  • [국제학술지(SCI, SSCI 등)]

  • Kim, D. & Song, I. (2021)

    Predicting model improvement by accounting for spatial autocorrelation: A socio-economic perspective. The Professional Geographer 73: 131–149.

  • Kim, D. & Ohr, S. (2020)

    Coexistence of plant species under harsh environmental conditions: An evaluation of niche differentiation and stochasticity al ong salt marsh creeks. Journal of Ecology and Environment. 44: 19.
    URL : doi.org/10.1186/s41610-020-00161-y.

  • Kim, D., Millington, A.C. & Lafon, C.W. (2020)

    Disturbance after disturbance: Combined effects of two successive hurricanes on forest community structure. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110: 571–585.

  • Kim, D., Šamonil, P., Jeong, G., Tejnecký, V., Drábek, O., Hruška, J. & Park, S.J. (2019)

    Incorporation of spatial autocorrelation improves soil–landform modeling at A and B horizons. Catena 183: 10422 6.
    URL : doi.org/1 0.1016/j.catena.2019.104226.

  • Kim, D., Lee, J.-Y., Seo, J. & Song, I. (2019)

    Recolonization of native and invasive plants after large-scale clearance of a temperate coastal dunefield. Applied Geogr aphy 109: 102030.

  • Gaspard, G.,Kim, D. & Chun, Y. (2019)

    Residual spatial autocorrelation in macroecological and biogeographical modeling: A review. Journal of Ecology and Env ironment 43: 19.
    URL : doi.org/10.1186/s41610-019 -0118-3.

  • Kim, D.(2019)

    Selection of scale can reverse the importance of stochastic controls on community assembly. Physical Geography 40: 1 11-126.

  • Kim, D.(2018)

    Modeling spatial and temporal dynamics of plant species richness across tidal creeks in a temperate salt marsh. Ecological Indicators 93: 188–195.

  • 2020.7.

    한국과학기술단체총연합회 제30회 과학기술우수논문상(한국생태학회 추천)

  • 2012.2.

    J. Warren Nystrom Dissertation Award, American Association of Geographers

  • Miralha, L. & Kim, D.(2018)

    Accounting for and predicting the influence of spatial autocorrelation in water quality modeling. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7: 64.
    URL : doi:10.3390/ijgi702006 4

  • Kim, D. (2018)

    Characterizing the pathway and rate of salt marsh vegetation dynamics: A multivariate approach. Estuaries and Coasts 41:1370–1380.

  • Bartholdy, J., Brivio, L., Bartholdy, A.T., Kim, D. & Fruergaard, M. (2018)

    The Skallingen spit, Denmark: Birth of a back-barrier saltmarsh. Geo-Marine Letters 38: 153–166.

  • Kim, D. & Kupfer, J.A. (2016)

    Tri-variate relationships among vegetation, soil, and topography along gradients of fluvial biogeomorphic succession. PLOS ONE 11: e0163223.
    URL : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0163223

  • Kim, D. & Campbell, J.J.N. (2016)

    Effects of tree size, shade-tolerance, and spatial pattern on the mortality of woody plants in a semi-natural urban woodlot, central Kentucky, USA. The Professional Geographer 68: 436–450.

  • Kim, D., Hirmas D.R., McEwan, R.W., Mueller, T.G., Park, S.J., Šamonil, P., Thompson, J.A. & Wendroth, O. (2016)

    Predicting the influence of multi-scale spatial autocorrelation on soil–landform modeling. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80: 409–419.

  • Kim, D. & Shin, Y.H. (2016)

    Spatial autocorrelation potentially indicates the degree of changes in the predictive power of environmental factors for plant diversity. Ecological Indicators 60: 1130–1141.

  • Kim, D., Bartholdy, J. & Bartholdy, A.T. (2016)

    Varying patterns of vegetation dynamics across multiple levels of organization in a salt marsh of the Danish Wadden Sea. Hydrobiologia 771: 67–81.

  • Kim, D., DeWitt, T.J., Costa, C.S.B., Kupfer, J.A., McEwan, R.W. & Stallins, J.A. (2015)

    Beyond bivariate correlations: Three-block partial least squares illustrated with vegetation, soil, and topography. Ecosphere 6: 135.
    URL : http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES15-0074.1

  • Corenblit, D., Baas, A., Balke, T., Bouma, T., Fromard, F., Garófano-Gómez, V., González, E., Gurnell, A.M., Hortobágyi, B., Julien, F., Kim, D., Lambs, L., Stallins, J.A., Steiger, J., Tabacchi, E. & Walcker, R. (2015)

    Engineer pioneer plants respond to and affect geomorphic constraints similarly along water–terrestrial interfaces world-wide. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 1363–1376.

  • Bartholdy, J., Bartholdy, A.T., Kim, D. & Pedersen, J.T.P. (2014)

    On autochthonous organic production and its implication for the consolidation of temperate salt marshes. Marine Geology 351: 53–57.

  • Kim, D. & Arthur, M.A. (2014)

    Changes in community structure and species–landform relationship after repeated fire disturbance in an oak-dominated temperate forest. Ecological Research 29: 661–671.

  • Kim, D. (2014)

    Rates of vegetation dynamics along elevation gradients in a backbarrier salt marsh of the Danish Wadden Sea. Estuaries and Coasts 37: 610–620.

  • Kim, D. (2013)

    Incorporation of multi-scale spatial autocorrelation in soil moisture–landscape modeling. Physical Geography 34: 441 –455.

  • Kim, D., Cairns, D.M. & Bartholdy, J. (2013)

    Tidal creek morphology and sediment type influence spatial trends in salt marsh vegetation. The Professional Geographer 65: 544–560.
    (Winner of 2012 J. Warren Nystrom Award from the Association of American Geographers)

  • Kim, D., Grant, W.E., Cairns, D.M. & Bartholdy, J. (2013)

    Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation and wind waves on salt marsh dynamics: A quantitative model as proof of concept. Geo-Marine Letters 33: 253–261.

  • Kim, D. & Phillips, J.D. (2013)

    Predicting the structure and mode of vegetation dynamics: An application of graph theory to state-and-transition models. Ecological Modelling 265: 64–73.

  • Kim, D. (2012)

    Biogeomorphic feedbacks drive dynamics of vegetation–landform complex in a coastal riparian system. Ecosphere 3: 74.
    URL : http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES12-00028.1

  • Kim, D., Cairns, D.M., Bartholdy, J. & Morgan, C.L.S. (2012)

    Scale-dependent correspondence of floristic and edaphic gradients across salt marsh creeks. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102: 276–294.

  • Kim, D. & Zheng, Y. (2011)

    Scale-dependent predictability of DEM-based landform attributes for soil spatial variability in a coastal dune system. Geoderma 164: 181–194.

  • Kim, D., Bartholdy, J., Jung, S. & Cairns, D.M. (2011)

    Salt marshes as potential indicators of global climate change. Geography Compass 5: 219–236.

  • Kim, D., Cairns, D.M. & Bartholdy, J. (2011)

    Wind-driven sea-level variation influences dynamics of salt marsh vegetation. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101: 231–248.

  • Kim, D., Cairns, D.M. & Bartholdy, J. (2010)

    Environmental controls on multiscale spatial pattern of salt marsh vegetation. Physical Geography 31: 58–78.

  • Kim, D., Cairns, D.M. & Bartholdy, J. (2009)

    Spatial heterogeneity and domain of scale on the Skallingen salt marsh, Denmark. Danish Journal of Geography 109: 9 5–104.

  • Kim, D., Cairns, D.M. & Bartholdy, J. (2009)

    Scale-dependent interactions and community structure along environmental gradients on a coastal salt marsh. Journal of Coastal Research SI 56: 429–433.

  • Kim, D. & Yu, K.B. (2009)

    A conceptual model of coastal dune ecology synthesizing spatial gradients of vegetation, soil, and geomorphology. Plant E cology 202: 135–148.

  • Filippi, A.M., Brannstrom, C., Dobreva, I., Cairns, D.M. & Kim, D. (2009)

    Unsupervised fuzzy ARTMAP classification of hyperspectral Hyperion data for savanna and agriculture discrimination in the Brazilian Cerrado. GIScience & Remote Sensing 46: 1–23.

  • Kim, D., Yu, K.B. & Park, S.J. (2008)

    Identification and visualization of complex spatial pattern of coastal dune soil properties using GIS-based terrain analysis and geostatistics. Journal of Coastal Research 24(4C): 50–60.

  • [국내학술지]

  • Kim, D., Kim, W., Kim, E., Ock, G., Jang, C.-L., Choi, M. & Cho, K.-H. (2020)

    Applications and perspectives of fluvial biogeomorphology in the stream management of South Korea. Ecology and Resil ient Infrastructure 7: 1–14.

  • 유근배, 신영호, 김대현, 김성환 (2012)

    신두해안사구지대로 유입되는 영양염류의 시공간적 특성. 대한지리학회지 47(2): 193–207.

  • Park, S.J., Ruecker, G.R., Agyare, W.A., Akramhanov, A., Kim, D. & Vlek, P.L.G. (2009)

    Influence of grid cell size and flow routing algorithm on soil–landform modeling. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society 44: 122–145 (in English).

  • 김대현 (2004)

    해수와 해빈 모래 기원 영양소의 공간적 분포 – 신두리 해안사구 지대를 대상으로. 지리학논총 43: 57–79.

저서 및 역서

  • [저서]

  • 유근배, 신영호, 김대현, 김성환 (2012)

    생태서식처로서 한국 서해안 해안사구. 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 한국학모노그래프 67.

  • [서평]

  • Kim D. (2011)

    Comparative Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth by Lynne R. Pare nti and Malte C. Ebach & Mapping Species Distributions: Spatial Inference and Prediction by Janet Franklin. Annals of the Association of Amer ican Geographers 101: 1384–1386.

  • [백과사전 수록]

  • Kim D. (2017)

    Complexity in biogeography, In: Richardson, D. and others (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Geography, Wiley –Blackwell and AAG.

  • Kim D. (2015)

    Vegetation dynamics, In: The McGraw–Hill Education Encyclopedia (Yearbook of Science & Technology), McGraw–Hi ll, pp. 370–372.

  • Kim D. (2010)

    Complex systems models, In: Warf, B. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geography, Vol. 2, SAGE Publications, London, pp. 561–567.


  • [학술회의 및 심포지움 논문발표]

    Kim, D., Lee, J.Y., Seo, J. & Song, I. (2018) Recolonization of native and invasive plants after large-scale clearance of a temp erate coastal dunefield. 2018 International Conference of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences, Pyeongchang, South Korea, August 22-24.

    Kim, D., Lee, J.Y., Seo, J. & Song, I. (2018) Recolonization of native and invasive species after large-scale clearance of a tem perate coastal dunefield. Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, Bozeman, MT, USA, July 22-27.

    Kim, D. (2018). Scale can reverse the importance of stochastic controls on community assembly. Annual Meeting of the Ame rican Association of Geographers, New Orleans, LA, April 10-14.

    Kim, D. (2018). Scale can reverse the importance of stochastic controls on community assembly. Annual Meeting of the Kore an Association for Ecological and Environmental Sciences, Gwangju, South Korea, February 22-23.